Why Choose Oddcloth?

The Oddcloth is a sustainable microfiber cloth with lots of benfits, but lets dig in and see the

difference between its traditional counterparts.

The Benefits of Microfiber

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1. Highly effective shape for daily cleaning projects.

2. Reasonable cost.

 3. Long-lasting.

 4. Low impact on the environment.

 5. Super absorbent. Up to 10x more abosrbent than regular towels.

 6. Safe to use. Non Toxic and Free of Chemicals.

 7. Quick & Easy to use. Just add water. Nothing else needed.

8. Fast Drying.

The Problems with Towels & Paper Options.

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1. Paper towels are extremely wasteful and *costly to the environment. Their shape/size is often ineffectual.

2. Too big to get in the crevices of the faucet handles, around the stopper and behind the faucet.

 3. Gets caught in the faucet crevices, ruining the towel, (typical hand towels in a bathroom are loosely woven fabrics).

 4. People use what’s handy.  Using what’s handy means using the “clean” towel with which you dry your “clean hands”…now your towel is a sad little victim of impatience.

 5. Terrycloth towels (looped), and even flat-woven cotton towels are easily, and inevitably, ruined when they get caught in the faucet crevices or on anything not smooth.

 6. Most annoying is that all standard towels are too large for the cracks and crevices of sinks and will force open the spouts and handles, getting your towel all wet and thwarting your PURPOSE to dry and polish. You are left   with a big, wet, germy towel for the next user.

 7. Very often, due to their shape, size and fabric content, a square or rectangular towel simply cannot best clean a sink or a multitude of other areas or items, nor are they easily stored to be at your fingertips.

8. The environmental cost of producing paper towels.

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